ConnectVNA Wins FIRST PLACE in V-Quad Competition

Pictured above: Bill Ashley, Director of Business Research & Workforce Development – Mississippi Development Authority, Sumesh Arora, Energy Director – Mississippi Development Authority, John Welch, Partner – ConnectVNA, Joe Donovan, Entrepreneur Center Director – Mississippi Development Authority.

Award-Winning Innovation
ConnectVNA + MDA
ConnectVNA’s energy web portal was awarded a Virtual Quad grant by the Mississippi Development Authority as part of a program designed to support Mississippi entrepreneurs.
MDA’s Virtual Quad grant program awards venture development grants supported by the EPIC Prize from the U.S. Department of Energy, which MDA won to highlight the state’s technology-based entrepreneurial ecosystem. The competition was open to qualified teams developing new products or services in energy and agriculture technologies—and Connect is proud to bring home the top prize.
MDA’s official release said, “V-Quad’s goal is to build an innovative, virtual incubator network to support Mississippi entrepreneurs launching businesses focused on energy- and agriculture-related technologies. This will be a public-private partnership that connects Mississippi’s research universities, industry, government, and non-profits into a cohesive, tech-based entrepreneurial network.
The project also includes a consortium with MDA, Innovate Mississippi, the Institutions of Higher Learning and the four research universities: Mississippi State, University of Mississippi, Southern Miss and Jackson State.”
Custom Software & Web Applications
Bringing data transparency & vastly improved workflows to the oil & gas industry…and to your business vertical as well.
At Connect, our proven software development process makes the most of the outstanding team and technology at our disposal. With a wealth of experience across a variety of industries, we create custom apps & software designed to address specific business needs–not only for oil & gas, but for manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and more.
Web-based success with ConnectVNA.
Any large project, regardless of vertical market, requires open and accurate communication among owners/investors, professionals, contractors, subcontractors, and other key players. That’s why ConnectVNA—our state-of-the-art, custom web portal—was recognized by MDA.
ConnectVNA provides organizations of all shapes and sizes with always-on access to up-to-date project & product information on virtually any device—from virtually anywhere in the world. The transparent, information-rich environment created by ConnectVNA works seamlessly with legacy business systems to provide uninterrupted functionality on top of vastly improved efficiency.
» Contact Connect today to start a no-pressure conversation about streamlining your business.